Sunday 9 May 2010



Put away your pointless taboos and restrictions on sexual energy - rather help others to truly understand its wonder and to channel it.

Neale Donald Walsch

Conversations with God

Knowing your sexuality, one day you stumble upon your spirituality. Then you will be free.


To discover the joy of the sexual energy as Joy’s Divine energy. An essential part of ourselves is pleasure - a true gift from the Divine. It creates in us, a positive healthy relationship. And, when we have a healthy relationship with our own god given sex energy, then we are liberated and free to be truly who we are and without shame.

When we feel shame for our sexuality, then we are feeling shame for the fundamental part of who we really are as sexual beings. Shame brings the inability to function well in all areas of our lives, affecting everything from business decisions to our personal life and how we treat ourselves and others.

Having a healthy attitude towards sex energy sets you free and produces in you:

1) Total acceptance towards yourself as a sensual and sexual being.

2) Increases self worth

3) Builds confidence personal and business life.

4) Increase performance in work

5) Increase happiness and wellbeing

6) Experience the joy of the sensual energy as the celebration of life.

7) The ability to channel the sex energy in creativity.

8) Sexual and sensual charisma.

When you have guilt or shame about your sexual energy, as a result of fears and taboos on sex and sensuality, you suppress the very nature of who you are. This guilt then creates:

1) self hate

2) lack of confidence

3) Depression

4) Violence

5) Arguments

6) Feeling of loss

Instead embrace pleasure and the joy of divine energy.

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